Improving the environment is the key to improving the livelihoods, and vice versa

Combating climate change
Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. VIKAS designs, develops and implements initiatives directed towards combating climate change.

Mainstreaming the marginalised
VIKAS' core development strategy revolves around the idea of mainstreaming the marginalized.

Combing cause and commerce
VIKAS believes that to achieve sustainable development, one must combine cause with commerce.
Development Strategy
VIKAS CFD defines development process as a movement from marginalized state of existence characterized by poverty, deprivation and under development to a state of being where all attain better quality of life and live with self-respect, dignity and pride. The economically marginalized communities include agriculture laborer, small and marginal farmers, fishermen, small salt producers, charcoal makers and industrial workers.
VIKAS CFD plans and implements development programs based on the felt needs of the communities and link them with the resources of Government, Industries and donors.
Environment and institutional sustainability are two key elements of the development strategy of VIKAS CFD. The organization focuses on participation and empowering of local people, particularly women in the implementation of the programs. VIKAS CFD invests efforts and resources to improve quality of environment as well as build village and area level organizations of local people so that future sustainability of the initiatives is ensured.