Empowering Livelihoods, Strengthening Communities
Pagbhar is designed to empower communities through a bottom-up approach, fostering self-reliance and sustainable development. In Gujarati, "pagbhar" means standing on two feet, signifying self-dependence. This program focuses on helping marginalized and poor communities achieve economic self-sufficiency, thus bringing dignity to people who have long been excluded from economic systems. Through Pagbhar, these communities are not just participants but active contributors to their own transformation, gradually integrating into the mainstream economy. By leveraging community knowledge, technology, and resources, Pagbhar facilitates a transformative process where individuals and communities become agents of change. The program integrates multiple components, including skill development, livelihood creation, and entrepreneurship, with a significant focus on social equity and environmental sustainability.
Additionally, through Pagbhar, the green assets and wastelands that VIKAS has helped develop or accumulate over the years will now serve as means of production, empowering marginalized communities to generate sustainable livelihoods.
One of the key element of Pagbhar is the Mangrove Plus project, an environmental and livelihood initiative aimed at restoring mangroves along Gujarat’s coast (Great Green Wall of Gujarat). The integration of the Mangrove Plus project into PAGBHAR enhances the sustenance of mangrove ecosystems, as it provides continuous income opportunities for those who have actively participated in planting and caring for the mangroves. By ensuring that communities benefit financially post-plantation, the initiative guarantees long-term commitment to mangrove conservation, creating a sustainable livelihood model that directly ties environmental stewardship to economic growth.
In addition, Pagbhar also incorporates wasteland development, a significant aspect of VIKAS’s advocacy efforts. After extensive advocacy and rallies, VIKAS successfully helped marginalized communities gain access to wastelands in 1996. With Pagbhar, these lands will become a means of empowering communities to transform barren land into productive spaces. Through Pagbhar, communities will collaborate to develop these lands into valuable resources for agriculture, agroforestry, and other livelihood activities. This not only improves local livelihoods but also contributes to the restoration of degraded lands, benefiting both the environment and the people.
Key Components
Pagbhar operates through components designed to create a strong foundation of community empowerment and sustainable livelihood.

LEAP - Livelihood & Enterprise Advancement Programme: The LEAP component focuses on expanding livelihoods and enterprise opportunities through targeted interventions in various sectors. This includes Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture (including biochar, solar drip irrigation, and agroforestry), Honeybee Keeping, and Eco-Tourism. These sectors are tailored to local community needs and the surrounding ecosystem, ensuring sustainable practices and economic viability. For instance, initiatives like solar drip irrigation and agroforestry promote sustainable agriculture, while honeybee keeping and eco-tourism create additional income streams, diversifying livelihoods and fostering long-term sustainability.
LIFE - Local Initiative Fund for Enterprise: Â This component focuses on creating self-sustaining economic structures within communities. Through the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs), individuals can pool resources and build credit. The credit generated by SHGs under Life directly funds initiatives within LEAP, creating a cycle of interdependence that strengthens communities. This system not only empowers individuals financially but also fosters greater collaboration and unity within the community, building economic resilience and a sustainable future.
Community mobilization is the foundation of our approach at Pagbhar. We engage with communities through creation or leveraging existing various platforms such as SHGs, Kishan Shalas (farmer training centers), and Fisheries Shalas (fisherfolk learning hubs). These platforms empower community members to come together, voice their needs, and identify solutions collaboratively.
When specific needs are identified, Pagbhar adapts to provide the required support. If there is a demand for Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) training, we connect the community with trainers and resources. If skill development is needed, we align programs to match local industry demands. For those with ideas but lacking direction, we offer guidance and strategies to help them implement their goals.
The LEAP component supports these efforts by linking communities to sustainable livelihoods. The initial credit and financial support provided by SHGs through LIFE enables growth in sectors like agriculture, fisheries, and eco-tourism. These sectors align with local environmental conditions, fostering self-sufficiency and economic growth.
Closing the feedback loop is vital in this process. Mechanisms tailored to each sector for gathering and integrating community feedback ensure that our approach evolves to meet their changing needs. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and ensures that we remain responsive to the challenges of the community.
Pagbhar, through its bottom-up approach, empowers communities to stand on their own feet, integrate into economic systems, and build a future that is self-reliant, sustainable, and dignified. The inclusion of credit groups, wasteland development and the establishment of systems for post-plantation activities around the Great Green Wall of Gujarat (Mangrove Plus) further strengthens this model, transforming previously unused land into valuable assets for the communities involved.
Project Gallery
Through the generous support and funding from a diverse range of partners, Pagbhar has been able to ensure its impactful and sustainable outcomes for the communities involved.

Impact of the Initiative
So far, Pagbhar has directly impacted over 5,000 individuals through a variety of training programs. These initiatives have equipped community members with essential knowledge and skills, fostering a sense of empowerment and enabling them to improve their livelihoods and access vital services.
The initiative has helped form over 50 Self-Help Groups (SHGs) across multiple communities. These groups have become vital platforms for collective action, bringing people together to tackle shared challenges and work towards common goals. By pooling resources and knowledge, these groups have enabled individuals to find sustainable solutions to pressing issues such as economic instability and limited access to healthcare and social welfare.
Exposure visits have also been a key feature of Pagbhar’s approach, with over 50 visits organized to date. These visits have provided community members with invaluable learning opportunities, allowing them to observe successful models of development and bring back new ideas to their own communities. These exchanges have sparked innovation and inspired individuals to apply best practices, improving local development efforts and fostering greater unity and collaboration among diverse community members.
Sunita, a woman from a rural community, became an inspiring entrepreneur through Pagbhar’s training program focused on sustainable livelihoods. Armed with skills in financial management, marketing, and product development, she identified the untapped potential of local herbs and medicinal plants in her area. Sunita started a small business producing natural herbal products, which she sold to local markets and online. By partnering with local farmers, she created a fair trade model that supported both her business and the community. Her success not only provided her with a sustainable income but also empowered other women in her region to pursue their own entrepreneurial ventures, with Sunita now mentoring others and expanding her business with the help of Pagbhar’s community-building initiatives.
Looking ahead, Pagbhar remains committed to extending its impact by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through a continued focus on education, advocacy, and resource-sharing, the program aims to reach even more communities, fostering inclusive growth and sustainable development. Pagbhar strives to create a future where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the collective well-being, while promoting long-term social and environmental sustainability.